Ibi lost her courageous battle with cancer on August 6th 2020
and a large part of Vad Farkas died with her.
For this reason, I have decided that I will no longer continue with Ring of Steel.
This was not an easy decision and I'm sorry to disappoint our long time and
potential new customers, so I'm leaving parts of the webpages as a reminder.
Stay Well,
Vad Farkas
Product Page - Home Page

Daddy's Little Girl photo by fimbulwinter_blues
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Aluminum Collar
This collar very is similar to my other collars in that the hinge and locking ends are
ship lapped to give it a smooth and elegant look that will not snag on hair or pinch skin.
The difference is it is made out of 3/8 in. Aluminum. The medium size, 15-1/2 in. collar
weighs a mere 3 ounces compared to 8-1/4 ounces of the same size Stainless Steel collar.
The hinge pin and set screw are both Stainless Steel, in fact this set screw closing design
is the same as used in the Stealth collar. This hidden screw adds to the sense of mystery.
The Aluminum collar is for those that have trouble wearing a heavy Stainless collar .
I do not include a leash/lead ring set with this collar due to the fact it is not as scratch
resistant as the Stainless steel version. If you do scratch it or just want to shine it up,
and what better way to occupy an errant slaves time, any good aluminum polish will do.
Or just let it take on it's own natural patina.
The set screw does not have to be removed to open the collar, only backed off a few turns.
This lessens the chance of dropping and loosing it but one extra set screw is included
along with two Allen wrenches.

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This website was written by me and was last modified on 03/09/2021
All original content including photos is © Vad Farkas. All rights reserved